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Kuwait University moved to the new campus in 2021. The new campus is based in Al-Shadadiya area. All colleges are set to officially open in 2024 (except for the medical campus).


The university has witnessed an increase in enrolment from approximately 418 to 40,000 students, from 31 to 1,565 faculty members, from 4 to 17 colleges, and from 200 to more than 5,000 administrative and academic support personnel. Kuwait University has more than 100,000 alumni serving the country and region, where some have attained prominent positions.

The strategic plan of the university is set by the planning sector. Its executive powers are vested in the President, who heads the university, and is responsible for its scientific, intellectual, technical, administrative and financial affairs. The President oversees implementation of Kuwait University laws, bylaws and the University Council’s decisions, and sustenance of institutional development through policies, plans and strategies geared towards advancement.

The scope of presidential responsibilities is demonstrated through five core offices: Academics, Research. Health Sciences. Planning and Academic Support Services. Each office is headed by a Vice Presidents. In addition to Kuwait University General Secretary Office, which is considered an executive office and the institutional administrative affairs arm, headed by the Secretary General. Together, with the five Vice Presidents, these leaders represent the senior leadership and executive authority of Kuwait University.



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