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Secretary General Office

Secretary General


Professor Fayez AlDhufairi

Acting General Secretary 




Previous Secretary Generals 

Secretary General's purview at Kuwait University:

  • Administrative and financial work of Kuwait University under the supervision of the University President. 
  • Tasks of the undersecretary as stipulated in the laws, regulations, and circulars. 
  • Functions delegated by the Minister of Education and the Minister of Higher Education. 
  • Tasks delegated by the University Council. 
  • Tasks delegated by the University President. 
  • Conducting the secretariat of the University Council, supervising the records of its meetings and following up the implementation of its decisions.
  • Supervising and guiding the implementation of all projects and managing, operating, and maintaining all university facilities.

Administrations and Offices Operating Directly under the Chairmanship of the Secretary General:

  • Office of Secretary General.
  • Administration of Legal Affairs.
  • Administration of Media and Public Relations. 
  • Office of Quality Management.

Objectives of the General Secretariat at Kuwait University:

  1. Providing the financial and administrative needs for work centers at Kuwait University, managing university facilities, and equipping the services system which helps the university fulfill its mission in a way that serves the educational process.
  2. Transition and temporary operation of Sabah Al-Salem University City in accordance with the plan approved by the University Council with the administrative and service provision of university buildings.
  3. Qualifying the workforce and providing an appropriate work environment to create a spirit of competition and initiative, support excellence, teamwork, and human development
  4. Raising the level of job satisfaction.
  5. Encouraging adherence of professional ethics.
  6. Committing to legislative and regulatory requirements to avoid the university being held accountable by the regulatory authorities.
  7. Preventing others from seizing university rights.
  8. Achieving transparency and justice.
  9. Maintaining the safety and security of campus-goers.
  10. Committing to the requirements of the quality management system in the services provided by the work centers of the General Secretariat in order to achieve customer satisfaction and meet their requirements.
  11. Development of administrative and financial systems and procedures to serve the university’s scientific and practical mission and goals.
  12. Spreading the culture of continuous improvement to encourage excellence, creativity and the improvement of work centers performance level.
  13. Contributing to setting and implementing strategic plans to ensure alignment with academic development, which would place the university in the educational position it deserves among Arab and international universities.
  14. Highlighting the role of the university and its achievements in media among society.

Secretary General Assistants


  • Administration of Legal Affairs
  • Administration of Public Relations..


Assistant Secretary-General for Financial Affairs

  • Administration of Financial Affairs.
  • Administration of Procurement.
  • Administration of Storage Affairs.


Assistant Secretary-General for Administrative Affairs

  • Administration of Human Resource.
  • Administration of General Services.
  • Administration of Administrative and Human Resource Development.


Assistant Secretary-General for Facilities Affairs

  • Administration of University Press. 
  • Administration of Construction and Maintenance.
  • Administration of Security and Safety.
  • Administration of Furnishing and Housing.
  • Administration of Catering.