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MedicineCommunity Programs DepartmentComparative Jurisprudence and Policy of ShariaComputers and Peripherals Computer ScienceContinuing Education DepartmentContracts DepartmentContracts Follow-Up and Guarantees Department Coordination and Follow-up departmentCorparate Innovation DepartmentCriminal Law DepartmentCultural and Artistic Activities AdministrationDepartment of Administrative and Financial SystemsDepartment of Administrative and Technical AuditingDepartment of Administrative CoordinationDepartment of Administrative Research and Job ClassificationDepartment of ArchitectureDepartment of Attendance and ReceptionDepartment of Communication Design & Interior ArchitectureDepartment of Communication Disorders ScienceDepartment of Consultation and ContractsDepartment of Contract MonitoringDepartment Of Corporate Follow-upDepartment of Curriculum and InstructionDepartment of CustodyDepartment of DatabasesDepartment of Documentation and SetupDepartment of Educational AdministrationDepartment of Educational FoundationsDepartment of Educational PsychologyDepartment of Environmental SciencesDepartment of EvaluationDepartment of follow up, Announcements and ExpertsDepartment of Food Science and NutritionDepartment of Grievance and InvestigationDepartment of Information ScienceDepartment of Information SecurityDepartment of Institutional InnovationDepartment of Instructional TechnologyDepartment of Inventory AccountingDepartment of Lawsuits and Financial demandsDepartment of MeasurementDepartment of NetworksDepartment of Operating SystemsDepartment of Portal and Supporting ApplicationsDepartment of Project's Follow Up and OperationsDepartment of Quality AssuranceDepartment of Resource Planning and Performance ManagementDepartment of Resource SystemsDepartment of Statistics and Strategic StudiesDepartment of Storage AffairsDepartment of Student Information SystemDepartment of StudiesDepartment Of Supporting ServicesDepartment of System DevelopmentDepartment of Systems Studies and DevelopmentDepartment of Telephone and PBXDepartment of the structural plan and project designDesign DepartmentDevelopmental and Preventive SciencesDiagnostic SciencesDistribution and Services UnitDoctrine and Preaching IslamEarth & Environmental ScienceEconomicsEditing and DirectionElectronic Publishing DivisionElectron MicroscopyEnglish Language and Literature DepartmentEnvironmental & Occupational HealthEnvironmental SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsExhibitions and Conferences DivisionExpenditures DepartmentExpenses and Accounting of project contractions supervisionExternal Training, Scholarships, and Study Leave DepartmentFaculty of Arts LibraryFaculty of Education LibraryFaculty of Engineering & Petroleum LibraryFaculty of Law LibraryFaculty of Life Sciences LibraryFaculty of Science LibraryFaculty of Sharea & Islamic Studies LibraryFinance & Financial InstitutionsFinancial and Administrative Support DepartmentFinancial and Administrative UnitFinancial Auditing and Review DepartmentFinancial Auditing and Review DepartmentFinancial ServicesFollow-up DepartmentForeign Books DepartmentFrench Language and Literature DepartmentFurnishing DepartmentGeneral and Specialized SoftwareGeneral Dental PracticeGeographyGraduates Preparation DepartmentHardware ServicesHealth Informatics and Information ManagementHealth Policy & ManagementHearing and Speech SciencesHistory and Archeology DepartmentHousing DepartmentInformation StudiesInformation Systems & Operations ManagementInformation Technology Programs DepartmentInternal Audit DepartmentInternal Training DepartmentInternational law DepartmentJaber AlAhmad Central LibraryJob Description DepartmentJournalism DivisionJurisrudence and Principle of JurisprudenceLeave monitoring and administrative servicesMaintenance DepartmentMaintenance DepartmentManagement & MarketingMarine ScienceMarketing and Media DepartmentMass Communication Department MathematicsMedia Programs DivisionMedical Laboratory SciencesMedical PhotographyMedical PhotographyMedicineMicrobiologyMonitoring appointmentsNuclear MedicineNursingNutrition and Food SciencesObstetrics & GynaecologyOccupational TherapyOffice of Consultation and TrainingOperating and Design DepartmentOrganizational DepartmentPaediatricsPathologyPermits DepartmentPersonnel AffairsPharmaceutical ChemistryPharmaceuticsPharmacologyPharmacology and TherapeuticsPharmacy PracticePhilosophy DepartmentPhotography DivisionPhysical TherapyPhysicsPhysiologyPlanning DepartmentPolitical SciencePrimary CarePrinting and Montage DepartmentPrivate law DepartmentPsychiatryPsychologyPub. councilPublic AdministrationPublications and Documentation DivisionPublic Health PracticePublic Law DepartmentPublic Relations and Media Departments in Humanities Colleges and Specialized DeanshipsPublic Relations and Media Departments in Scientific CollegesPublic Relations Division for General Administrations and Vice PresidentsQuranic Interpretation & prophetic TraditionRadiologic SciencesRadiologyRecords DepartmentRecruitment DepartmentRegistration and Follow-up DepartmentRegistration DepartmentResearch, Studies, and Community Awareness DepartmentRestorative SciencesSafety DepartmentSecurity DepartmentSelf ServiceServices & Following DepartmentSocial and Behavioral SciencesSocial Care AdministrationSociologySoftware and System SupportSpecial Services DepartmentSports Activities AdministrationStatistics and Operations ResearchStudent Affairs AdministrationStudent Housing and International Student Affairs DepartmentSupervision DepartmentSupervisory of CommunicationsSupervisory of Systems DevelopmentSupervisory of Systems SupportSupplier Affairs DepartmentSupply DepartmentSupport ServicesSurgerySurgical SciencesTechnical OfficeTechnical Specifications Conformity DepartmentTechnical Supplies Department Technical Support UnitTender and Bidding DepartmentTender Disclosure DepartmentThe Department of Continuing EducationThe Identity DepartmentThe University Club DepartmentTraining Programs DepartmentTraining Resources DepartmentTransportation DepartmentUniversity Income DepartmentUsers Support ServicesVacations DepartmentVDPCTWork Methods and Service Development Departmentأقسام العلاقات العامة والإعلام في الكليات الإنسانية والعمادات النوعيةأقسام العلاقات العامة والإعلام في الكليات العلميةقسم الاحصاء و الدراسات الاستراتيجيةقسم التزويدقسم الكتب الأجنبيةقسم الكتب العربيةقسم المحاسبةقسم تخطيط الموارد و ادارة الاداءمدينة صباح السالم الجامعية Enter Keyword Jump to: ALL A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZNo Results FoundUseful LinksExplore various work centers available, from HR and finance to facilities and beyond.Office of Human ResourcesStudent Affairs