The Animal Biology Program at the Department of Biological Sciences at the Faculty of Science - Kuwait University, organized a field trip to study the Kuwait`s marine aquatic environments such as sandy and rocky beaches under the supervision of the professor and faculty member of the scientific department Prof. Wasmiyah El Houty.
Prof. Wasmiyah al-Houti confirmed that when they visited the beach, they found only three mangroves trees because of the large environmental pollution caused by the dumping of sewage water and its impact on water birds. As for the rocky Kuwaiti beaches, Ashirj Beach was visited on the island of Umm al-Namel. In this region, there are some animal organisms that have become non-existent in relation to environmental pollution.
Prof. Al-Houti stressed that these field trips are important in the practical field, which helps students to discover the marine environment and to take samples from the soil , study them and divide them through the devices accredited in the laboratories of the scientific section, and apply all what has been studied on their practical life.