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حصول الطالبة ليلى الجبلي من قسم الإدارة والتخطيط التربوي بجامعة الكويت على جائزة مشاريع طلبة الدراسات العليا لدرجة الماجستير للعام الأكاديمي 2019/2020


حصلت الطالبة ليلى الجبلي من قسم الإدارة والتخطيط التربوي في كلية التربية بجامعة الكويت على جائزة مشاريع طلبة الدراسات العليا لدرجة الماجستير للعام الأكاديمي 2019/2020 .
The purpose of this study was to analyze the literature on leadership language to determine what linguistic strategies educational leaders utilize to enhance their leadership effectiveness. The methodology adopted in this study is a systematic review of the published relevant literature to discover how the development of the linguistic aspects of leadership can constitute effective leadership enhancement. Findings from the literature revealed four broad themes related to leadership language: motivational language, rhetorical language, narratives, and linguistic politeness. It is proposed that developing communicative competency through effective leader language use enhances the effectiveness of educational leaders. Implications for practice were included and several recommendations for future research were proposed: (1) it is recommended that future researchers test the validity of the conceptual model of this study, which is an integration of the findings from the literature and propositions, through a mixed methods research, (2) future researchers may also consider conducting meta-analyses on quantitative studies regarding the language of educational leaders, (3) most of the literature obtained on leadership language was gender-biased, focusing more on male leaders than their female counterparts, which calls for future researchers to consider studying the language of female leaders especially in educational institutions like that of schools.